Thursday, December 5, 2019

5 Tips To Being Healthy During the Holidays

As your calendar starts to fill up with holiday party invitations and coworkers begin to bring more treats into the office, it can be challenging to stay healthy when you have temptations coming to you from every angle. The key is to maintain balance. Indulge if you see something you like, but know your limits and the impacts it could have on your well-being and waistline.

Use these easy to follow tips to help you navigate through the festivities and keep you on track for your wellness goals in the new year.

1. Indulge Mindfully

Enjoy the good things in life, but start with smaller portions. Be mindful of every bite you eat. Savor the taste and appreciate the effort it took to make the food on your plate. So often, we grab the biggest plate and fill it up with everything at the table. Before you know it, you can’t even finish what you scooped up. Try using a salad bowl or a smaller plate instead. Before you get up for seconds, take a moment to let your food settle. You might realize you’re not as hungry as you thought you were.

2. Load up on Veggies at the party

Don’t be influenced by what everyone else is eating. Stick to your routine, stay hydrated, and load up on veggies, but skip the dip. If you’re not sure if there will be healthy alternatives at the party, volunteer to bring something to share from your garden. Your healthy intentions will not go unnoticed and might make a positive influence on someone else’s diet.

3. Watch out for Spirits

No good story ever started with a salad, and while holidays are an occasion for celebrations, try limiting those liquid calories. We know most social gatherings involve alcohol, and that can make feelings of loneliness and stress around the holidays even harder to cope.

Skip your second round of eggnog and stick to something will less sugar. Volunteer to be the designated driver or skip the alcohol altogether until the holidays are over.

4. Start a Workout Plan Today

Come January 1st; many people will be dragging their feet to the gym as they attempt to cross off resolutions to be more active and fit in 2020. Get a leg up on everyone and start a workout plan today. Go on a bike ride, climb a mountain, or take a yoga class. Start implementing a consistent workout schedule, so you’re already in the groove by the time the new year rolls around. Apps like Down Dog let you choose the level, type, and length of class so you can practice yoga anytime and anywhere. Adopt a morning routine filled with meditation and affirmations before you start checking emails and social media. You’ll find this will lead to more alignment and purpose to help crush your goals.

Prefer a yoga guide in print? The Yoga Bible’s got all you need to get posing.

5. Skip take-home portions

If it looks good, it probably tastes good, and sometimes certain foods even taste better the next day. Avoid the second round of temptations by passing on take-home portions. Instead, use the holidays to focus on trying new healthy recipes in your kitchen. Nobody says eating healthy has to be boring. Spice things up by adding fresh ingredients or incorporating different vegetables from the garden in different ways. Have fun trying new things, and you could also share the recipe with a friend as a Secret Santa gift.

Need a little help? Mediterranean Paleo is one of my all time favorite cookbooks!

Celebrate the holidays, and don’t limit yourself from everything all at once. Moderation is key. Use these tips to help you stay healthy and fit during the holiday season and in 2020.